How to Calculate Disability Pension in Armed Forces ? This question is asked by many disable soldiers and officers who discharged or retired in Low Medical Category having disability attributable or aggravated by military service. Normally people misunderstood about on this subject how to calculate disability pension in armed forces.
People wrongly calculated the percentage of disability with their basic pay. The simple correct formula for calculation of disability pension is that individual will be entitled for disability pension @ 30 % of last basic pay for the 100 % disability.
For Example : If a soldier has 50 % disability then he will be entitled for 15 % of last basic pay.
If the Last Basic pay of the Soldier Rs. 30,000/- (including Military Service Pay) and discharged from service with 50 % disability attributable and aggravated by military service. The the amount of 15 % of his last basic pay is Rs. 4500/-.. His Service Pension is well known as 50 % of last basic pay i.e. Rs. 15,000/-
In view of above His total pension is calculated as 15,000 + 4500 = Rs. 19,500/- + DA (as applicable) .
It is necessary to mention here that after the death of soldier, disability pension will be stopped means his wife will not get disability pension after the death of soldier.
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Those ex-servicemen are belong to Rajasthan, they can only file court case in Armed Forces Tribunal Jaipur and searching a Best Armed Forces Tribunal Advocate in Jaipur is difficult for people residing in remote areas.
In maximum cases AFT (PB) Delhi has jurisdiction in service matters, therefore, Armed Forces Lawyer in Delhi can file OA in AFT(PB) Delhi.
Disability Pension is granted as per the disability awarded to soldier and his disability pension will be 30 % of last pay drawn for 100 % disability.
The rates of disability element for 100% disability for various ranks shall be as
follows wef 1-1-1996 to 31-12-2005:
(i) Commissioned Officers and
Hony. Commissioned Officers
Rs. 2600/-
(ii) JCOs Rs. 1900/-
(iii) Other Ranks Rs. 1550/-
The rates of disability element for 100% disability for various ranks shall be as
follows wef 1-1-2006
(i) Commissioned Officers and
Hony. Commissioned Officers
Rs. 5880/-
(ii) JCOs Rs. 4300/-
(iii) Other Ranks Rs. 3510
For pensioners in receipt of disability element of disability pension or
Disability element paid in addition to retiring/service pension as on 01.01.2006,