Disability Pension in Armed Forces : Questions & Answers

There are few important Questions & Answers related to Disability Pension in Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force). This Questionnaire is related purely with Disability Pension in Armed Forces only.

Question : What is disability Pension ?

Answer : Disability Pension is one kind Pension which is granted to Disable Soldiers and Officers.

Question : Is it granted to every disable soldier or Officers ?

Answer : No. It is granted to only those disabled Soldiers / Officers whose disability is either attributable or aggravated by military service.

Question : What is the minimum percentage of disability to earn disability pension ?

Answer : 20 % or above.

Question : What is the minimum service required to earn disability pension ?

Answer : No minimum service required. A recruit can be granted disability pension even he has 02 days of service but his disability must be connected to military service.

Question : A DSC personnel has been discharged from service after 13 years 06 monts before completion of 15 years pensionable Service . Whether he will be entitled for second service pension ?

Answer : Yes. Normally DSC records office never grants second service pension who discharge before completing 15 years of service. But the Court i.e. Armed Forces Tribunal is allowing such cases and granting service pension whose service are 13.5 years or more. Their short fall of remaining service can also be candoned by Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) but it is observed that rarely COAS candones the short fall service of DSC. Therefore they are knocking the door of Court.

Question : If a soldier is discharged at own request having disability more than 20 % but could not completed 15 years of pensionable service. Will he be entitled for disability pension in this case.

Ans : Yes, he will be entitled for disability pension consisting both elements i.e. Service element + Disability Elements

Question : A soldier has disability of IHD (Heart Diseases), is he entitled for Disability Pension as it is presumed as life style diseases.

Answer : Yes, if the disease is arisen during the period of military service then it must be held attributable to military service because the stress and strain is inherited in Military Service. If someone has denied for it , the rejection can be challenged before Armed Forces Tribunal.

The above mentioned Questions have been answered by Adv. ANAND TANWAR. If any one has any query with regard to disability pension in Armed Forces then individual can  CLICK HERE

Readers can read other Armed Forces Judgments at https://legalpost.in/disability-pension-in-armed-forces/


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Amit Kumar
4 years ago

Important and very usful Information. Thanks